Is It Finished?

It is hard to accept it as it is and nothing else, no what if’s or what about ………. The Bible is God’s word to us, the guidance, direction, everything he had to say then applies now. It’s not outdated, God does not change, people change that’s the problem.


How are you rolling today ?  We can’t always control our circumstances things get out of control before we know what is going on. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 King James Version (KJV) 16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of …


Greetings in the name of of our Lord Christ Jesus. I started a trip into the unknown this Labor Day weekend. I packed up my bike and headed out with my brother Taz to Missouri. 700 miles one way trusting my God and Saviour for safe passage. 2 bikes 2 …

Who Was Barabbas?

Who really was Barabbas? A thug , murderer, sinner a soul created by God. Did God love him yes he did , did Barabbas really know who God was on that day probably not. We are all Barabbas we have sinned against God and need redemption some know it and …