My Philosophy of Ministry

By Nick DeMerchant


I learned at a young age that salvation comes from Christ alone, and no amount of good works can save us. Scripture makes that point very clear. In the past, I have not been faithful as far as church attendance goes, and staying in the Word, but I have always been a believer , and have always known that if I was to die, I would have a home in heaven. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at the age of 12 and was baptized shortly after. I have been feeling the Holy Spirit telling me to get active in the body and to study the Word more than I had been, so that is what I have been doing,for the last few years now. In the past, I would read the Bible and go to church every once in a while, but I didn’t make it my constant diet. So I felt I should recommit myself to God.

My family and I started having Bible studies at home, and then started attending a  church regularly, and volunteering helping the homeless with an organization that offers showers, food, clothing, and setting them up with houseware appliances, etc., whatever their needs may be and sharing Christ whenever the opportunity arises. We have regular Sunday and Wednesday services, and multiple Bible studies throughout the week. The Bible tells us to practice what we learn, so we can grow, and keep learning His will for us, and I have found,  it is  truly good to be  as active in any way the Lord shows us how to. Being available and willing at any time God can use us ,and He always has plenty of fulfilling things for us to do if we just ask. Then you get to feel the joy that He loves to give us, when we know we are doing His will.

I have learned that ministering to people can be in many different ways. Whether it is just being there for them, someone to listen to them, or someone to help lend a hand if needed, but the Holy Spirit can use any and all opportunities. We just need to learn to listen and do what the Holy Spirit tells us to do.

The pastor at the church encouraged me in many ways to join different study groups and to take the chaplain course, but before he was talking to me about these things, God was already revealing His will for me, opening new doors for me that I just had to walk through.

I have also learned it isn’t about religion, it’s about Jesus. The Word tells us that Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way, no man cometh to Father, but through him. It’s not about denomination, it’s about believing  God’s word, that never changes. Christ said his yoke is easy and his burden light, we have a tendency to overcomplicate the simplicity of the truth of God’s Word. Trust in Him and His might, God has always fought His own battles, He just wants us to show up and watch Him work.

That  is what I have been seeing since I have been praying and asking His will to be done. Things end up working out, and a lot of the times, not the way I picture them working out.

I believe the true philosophy of ministry is completely surrendering to the will of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, given to us by the work of  what Christ did on the cross, for our adoption unto salvation, for all who trust in his power and his promises. Which gives us the capability to love others like He loves us, and to share the good news that Christ died to set us free from the bondage of sin, death, and hell. He died for both the sinner and the saint not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

Nick DeMerchant

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