Fran Ford – Chaplain Of The Month
Since I’m a believer that God has called us outside the 4 walls, being a BBI chaplain is perfect for me and the cause of Christ.
Since I’m a believer that God has called us outside the 4 walls, being a BBI chaplain is perfect for me and the cause of Christ.
In the role of Chaplain, what do I do? Answer is simple, whatever is needed of you. This really means a lot to me and kind of says it all.
Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?” That’s exactly what Jesus did and I want to follow in His example.
The key to life is encouragement, whether you see a child strike out at a little league game or an addict seeking recovery, or graveside praying with an unexpected loss.
I also plan on ministering to those unable to step foot inside of church doors due to the inability of doing so because of a disability, illness, being bedridden, in hospice or a nursing home or where ever may be neccesary. I want to be the church beyond the walls and lead others to Christ.
At the age of 6 months, I was adopted by a very loving Christian family who welcomed me into their home.
Things started going well as a motorcycle missionary. I wondered if God was leading me to open a biker church. I took a year to research and pray in this direction. I went to biker churches around Louisiana to see how they did church.
Though I struggled internally through this study the main point that I got was that I had to do something. Like tires spinning in the mud but getting no where. Which lead to my “come to Jesus moment.”
If I am going to reach out into the community to help those in need there needs to be some proof that I am qualified to do the job I am setting out to do. The certification from Bikers Bible Institute is that proof.
As a case manager, it is my job to find resources for the person I am working with to meet their goals; as a Chaplain, I am providing spiritual resources to those in need. I can see how having both skill sets can be used in many capacities.