Home / Shop Men's T-Shirt $25.00 Home / Shop Men's T-Shirt $25.00 Missing Option: Select a shirt size Select a shirt size Small Medium Large X-Large 2X Loading Available Options Missing Option: Color Color White Grey Black Loading Available Options Maximum quantity exceeded Minimum purchase amount of 1 is required Maximum purchase amount of 4 is allowed Your Price: $25.00 25.000 A one-time price of $25.00 will be added to your order. 10000000 Maximum purchase amount of 4 is allowed Description Please choose your size, and color, also put in the comments if you do not want words on the back.If you are a Regional Director than you are able to have your state and title instead of Chaplain.Please add to comment section of your order.
What are the words on the back? Hard to read when enlarged. Also, I don’t see that the women T’s come with wording/on front or back. Pat Caggiano July 21, 2020 at 1:35 pm 5 years ago Reply
What are the words on the back?
Hard to read when enlarged.
Also, I don’t see that the women T’s come with wording/on front or back.
I will be posting the words today.