My Next Steps

By Nyra Roddy

During some of my research early on, I found a list of 11 attributes of the Chaplain, and it really stuck out to me. It’s been a subject of much prayer to see if I have these attributes in my life.

A Chaplain is:
Minister – To meet the needs of many
Punctual – Your time is precious and so is theirs
Discreet – You must build trust
Diligent – Following the Spirit consistently
Earnest – Your word is your reputation
In Purity – No one is perfect, but never be a hypocrite
Understanding – Looking at a situation from multiple perspectives
Patient – Take the time  to see the need
Kind – “Love your neighbor as yourself”
Love – “Outdo one another in brotherly love”
In Truth – Admit when you are wrong and always seek out the truth

In watching videos, reading articles, and reading our book, I found several wonderful tidbits of information that stayed with me:
“You minister from your overflow – if you are empty, you have nothing to give. Seek Christ first, be full of Him, then you can share Him with others.” – Navy Chaplain
“Take the initiative and go to those in need, they may not have the ability to come to you.”
“Be wise in choosing how to help, what you think the problem is might not be the real problem.”
“Practical ministry will open the door for evangelism. Evangelism is not the main reason to be a Chaplain, to live like Christ is.”
“Keep watch for others. Be present. Be their rear-guard”
“Have compassion for other cultures, never forget everyone came from somewhere, and not everyone came from where you did.”
“Have no personal agenda.”
“Ministry is only limited by your imagination”
“Guard the sacred. Your sacred beliefs, and theirs.”
“Provide the same ministry to all in your care.”
“You stand in the gap for them before God. You are a priest – pray for your people. Offer sacrifices for them, even if those sacrifices are yourself (your time, talents, abilities)”
“You may be called on to do rites and rituals, be prepared.”
“The ministry of presence is just as important as the rest of them. People may never remember what you say, but they will remember you were there.”

My next steps start with my own personal growth and movement. I am getting married the end of February, and my Fiance is very gifted to be an evangelist and teacher, and I believe that I am called to be more a minister of comfort, to bind the broken and empower those who are weak in their faith, or just beginning their faith journeys to go out and find their own ministries. I will continue in the two practical ministries I currently have of meeting physical needs to those in my community through my job and biker ministry I am a part of. To meet the needs physically of those trapped in addiction and homelessness, helping them with food, clothing, housing, and when I have the opportunity, connecting them with local bodies of faith is something I do on a daily basis right now. I am a worship leader, and in the past, I have used music to reach a broken spirit and give them hope, and I plan to continue that as long as God allows.
I will continue to bolster the two church families I belong to, in whatever areas are needed. Also, working with my (future) husband in his ministry, and supporting him in whatever he needs me to be, ministering to him when he is lacking or worn out. Ministering to my two daughters, teaching them how to rely on Christ so they will never be taken advantage of by believing they are less than who they are in Him.

Eventually, I believe that God is leading me and my Fiance to go abroad and plant a church in Japan and witness to the lost there, through his teaching and my singing. Currently, God is preparing us for this and using us both to minister to the lost who are largely involved with Conventions (think Comic-con, Anime-con, etc), and those who are involved in “alternative sexuality” lifestyles. God has laid on me great compassion for these people as they are largely unreached by the Church, and they are searching for fulfillment and acceptance in all the wrong places.

I am excited by where God is taking me in my own life and future and the doors that God will open. Looking back on my past and where God has grown me and changed me thus far, knowing that His will is perfect in that I am able to be empathetic and compassionate to so many because I understand and can relate to where they are, goes to prove that this is what God wants me doing with me life. Sometimes the smallest things have the greatest effect.

~Nyra Roddy


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