What you’re about to read is an excerpt from my 2015 journal. It is not edited and it is not a teaching. It is simply my musings. There is, however, a point to it…a reason for posting it.


Jesus said, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” He said, “We are one”. In John He prayed that we would be one like He and the Father are one.

There is a place where Paul said we are “permeated with oneness”. We are one with Christ, inseparable. Jesus described it like a vine and a branch. They are one thing, but not. It’s hard to describe.

Paul said, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” in the first chapter of Colossians. He said that…He said that Christ is our life. Our real life. So it seems to me that if Christ is in us, if He is our life, if He is our hope, then it would be a good thing if we really understood better exactly who it is that lives in us…what that really means. Paul said in Galatians, “Christ lives in me”. Somewhere we need a revelation, an understanding of what that really means, Christ lives in me.

He (Christ) describes Himself as “the truth”, therefore, “the truth” lives in us. He describes Himself as “the life”. Then “the life” lives in us. He describes Himself as “the way”. If Christ lives in us then “the way” lives in us. The truth, the way, the life, all these things live in us. I question whether we understand what that really means.

Jesus doesn’t change. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, He’s always totally Himself. There has to be a revelation somewhere of what those things are, what that really means. If Jesus is always totally Himself, and He abides in us then everything of Jesus is in us. Where is it (in my life)? How is it that we hide it (or maybe suppress it)? Christ lives in us, Christ is our life. How is that manifest in our lives?

This day, Father, grant me a bigger, brighter, more vivid picture of who Jesus is. Help me understand better what He has done…what He is doing. Who it is that lives in me and what that really means.

Here it is 2022 and I am still praying that little prayer. Oh sure, I have learned some things and seen some things since I started praying that little prayer. Yes, I know Jesus better now that I did in 2015. Still, I am not satisfied. Like Lewis and Clark I just know there is something beyond the mountains. There is treasure yet to be discovered…the unsearchable riches of Christ.

My prayer is also that maybe in reading this you will find that hunger, that desire to go find the undiscovered country of Jesus. It is worth the time and effort.

It is the most important thing in life to understand Jesus –  T. Austin Sparks

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