Carl Pulley’s Next Steps
One morning at 3 a m I was on a bridge getting ready to jump. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice saying, “ Not yet my son. I’m not ready for you to leave this world. I have big plans for you”.
One morning at 3 a m I was on a bridge getting ready to jump. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice saying, “ Not yet my son. I’m not ready for you to leave this world. I have big plans for you”.
I have come to realize that there are many different types of chaplains who basically all do the same tasks but in different locations and in different matters and represent different people and backgrounds in even odd places.
I also plan on ministering to those unable to step foot inside of church doors due to the inability of doing so because of a disability, illness, being bedridden, in hospice or a nursing home or where ever may be neccesary. I want to be the church beyond the walls and lead others to Christ.
I want to serve. I want to be closer to Jesus and bring others with me. Being a biker Chaplain is a way to reach out to a group of people who may be closed off to God and His teachings. I hope to become more involved with this mission.
Things started going well as a motorcycle missionary. I wondered if God was leading me to open a biker church. I took a year to research and pray in this direction. I went to biker churches around Louisiana to see how they did church.
Though I struggled internally through this study the main point that I got was that I had to do something. Like tires spinning in the mud but getting no where. Which lead to my “come to Jesus moment.”
If I am going to reach out into the community to help those in need there needs to be some proof that I am qualified to do the job I am setting out to do. The certification from Bikers Bible Institute is that proof.
Let me begin my next step by saying that I strongly believe that according to scripture in Proverbs 16:3 that I must fully commit to God for my ministry to others in all I do for it is God that will establish my plans
The Christian life springs from our grateful response to what God is doing for us, in us, and through us in Jesus Christ
As a case manager, it is my job to find resources for the person I am working with to meet their goals; as a Chaplain, I am providing spiritual resources to those in need. I can see how having both skill sets can be used in many capacities.