Authentic Biker Chaplainship

By Mary Hawko


Bikers comprise a diverse set of individuals for which the love of riding receives priority that rivals most other desires. Speaking for myself, riding a motorcycle ranks as one of my highest joys, but even so, it is nowhere close to my love for God, or love for my husband and family. With motivation to honor God, and a thankful heart for the skills, bike, riding partners, and opportunity, I have decided to follow Christ in ministry to bikers. This is the road I am on through prayer, consideration, and encouragement, to glorify God and serve him.

I have been part of Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ for some time now and am active in our local church. I know that God will continue to work on my wisdom and understanding, so I am confident through prayer and focus on the Lord, that I can be a vessel for Christ to work through for reconciliation, love and grace to the biker community.

The core tenets of motivation, commitment, sense of direction, and vision for ministry echo most Christian believers’ attitudes and viewpoints. Applying these values to motorcycle ministry is somewhat difficult since the motorcycle community is not comprised of a congregation of local people with similar demographics and similar belief structures informing their behavior and lifestyles. It is a multifaceted community and there is no “one size fits all”. There will not be a single place of worship. However, biker loyalty or comradery born of common denominators – motorcycles, destinations, and friends riding together, is totally unique. The range of personalities and perspectives we all encounter make for exciting and sometimes tricky situations, but abundant prayer and respect bring about strong relationships. This is where the light of God’s love can shine. This is where relationships and connections can be made.

Motivation: I maintain a strong desire to honor God in my life; to live for him and uphold his word. My goal is to help bikers – communicate to them who Christ is, why he came, what it means for them, the good news, and their free gift of eternal life. The phrase “here I am, Lord, send me if that be your will for my life” give me the expectancy that God will do mighty things as nothing is impossible with God. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. My prayer is for the Holy Spirit to use me to help others discover the joy of the Lord, to know Christ, redemption, and lasting peace. I hope to glorify God within the biker community as one of their own who is delighted in the Lord and all his ways.

Commitment: I am a patched member of the Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ MM. Our mission is “to introduce Jesus Christ to the world of motorcycle riders, for the purpose of making more and better disciples through the ministry of the local church.” This has been a great joy in my life and the impetus for being the best I can in honoring God through this ministry. Trouble with money or time, broken parts, rainy days or rough traffic conditions, physical hardships, or whatever sorts of trials that come my way are simply ways God teaches me to rely on him. They are the sorts of things that bring bikers together – where ministry can happen by divine appointment. So, I have committed to the work, to doing the “stuff” of Biker
ministry willingly and positively, knowing whom I serve. In our focus on spiritual and physical work, God blesses the work of his hands, and I don’t have to see it, I know he is faithful. God’s holy word, the Bible, is my stronghold, and reliance on the Holy Spirit strengthens me.

Direction: we probably agree this is an important feature for effective ministry. I feel that direction for the journey is more vital than the speed. When we go on the road, I constantly try to look out for others, both for their physical needs and spiritual ones. Respect and appreciation of all types of bikers is part of the direction. Any one take on God may be very different than mine, so, to slow down, just be present, allow others to talk, listen, and be part of things are actions that speak louder than words. Better to be approachable, relatable, and relational – a blessing that goes both ways. When hard times are the reality, I have to not be afraid, but prayerfully seek his peace and, as a witness, pass that along. In these instances, is anything better than knowing that nothing is impossible for God and that if God is for us, who can be against us? Stay the course!

Vision: A philosophy of ministry must be driven by faith to grow to fruition. Faith is the supernatural force that reveals our destiny, fueling outcomes that would be impossible without God. When Jesus explained to Mary, his mother, that he must be about his father’s business, he revealed his ministry. As a Christian, I should be of the same mind. Living out my life obeying and following God is what I need to be about. My faith must be evident – as a biker chaplain, people should be able to see that I believe God, that I believe God is who he says he is, and that he has given me faith in a miraculous Lord and Savior. As a biker, I know that trust comes slowly, so solid, respectful relationships with bikers are imperative; I ask God to prepare their hearts and look to do my part in what is his work. Successful outcomes happen when bikers feel safe talking or even praying about things that they might not otherwise. My purpose is not to judge anyone, especially bikers, but to serve them as Christ would have me do.

To conclude, my philosophy of ministry relies on faith. Where I need to grow, how to put into play the core values of this philosophy will rest with the Lord. My hope and prayer is that faith and the Holy Spirit will ultimately shape my vision so that it meshes with my current ministry with Black Sheep HDFC. Meanwhile I continue to be in the word of God and pray with my Christian brothers and sisters in biker groups, the local community, my church, and in my home.

GO – to them   Keep showing up   Activate faith   Respect them   Tell of Christ –mch

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