The vision for the Biker Bible Institute is to get “10,000 Bikers!” into the Bible every week across the USA and Canada.  We serve as a ministry to encourage the establishment of small Biker Bible Study (Discussion) Groups.  We also encourage and assist in the development of local leaders.


In truth, we struggled calling this ministry an “institute.”  We’re not a college or university.  We don’t offer any degrees.  And we don’t employ professors.  We’re a group of brothers and sisters operating under the umbrella of the church to fulfill the “10,000 Bikers!” vision.

We like to ride but our first love is Jesus Christ!  He is our lifestyle, and His Way is the lifestyle we teach and promote.  We have a passion for the Word of God because it truly does renew the mind and transforms hearts.


  • Develop Bible study resources for bikers and biker groups that get bikers into the Bible and are easy to use.
  • Promote the establishment and sustainment of small Bible study (discussion) groups for bikers across the USA and Canada.
  • Connect independent biker churches into a single family so pastors can connect with other biker pastors in North America.
  • Providing training and mentoring for local leaders.
  • Encourage local leaders and groups.
  • Pray for local leaders and groups.


GROUPS … we help start and connect Biker Bible Study (Talk) Groups, biker churches, and motorcycle ministries (MM) teaching the Bible.

OTHER TECHNOLOGY … we use other technology, like webinars and live, streaming Internet TV) to train and mentor leaders, connect bikers from different groups, and share cool events as they occur.


You can do this now simply by registering here on our site.  We will soon have new membership software online that offers more features, but it’s important that we can all connect with each other, even though we live and ride in different places across the USA and Canada.

Click here to contact us.