As A God To Pharaoh
By Ricci Fayard
“So the LORD said to Moses: “See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.”
Exodus 7:1
Here is a good example of what a prophet is; the Pharaoh had considered himself a god. In order for Moses to be taken seriously by the Pharaoh, Moses had to appear as a god to Pharaoh. A Prophet is a mouthpiece for a god, a go-between, bringing the message to the people. When our True God speaks to us it is often through one of these messengers, or Prophet’s.
God wants us to know His plans for the world, for Israel, for the church, and for each one of us. He has already laid out His plans in the Bible, you just have to read and study it. The Prophets of the Bible have been given God’s plan for us and they have written it down for us to know and understand. The life of a Prophet was hard, they often brought a message that the people didn’t want to hear. They probably didn’t understand much of the message that they brought, because they didn’t get to see much of it played out. But we can read it in the Bible and see how the prophecies played out in history. The prophecies revealed that God brought us salvation, discipline, wrath on sinners and so much more. During this time of our separation and isolation, take the time to read and study the prophecies in the Old Testament and the New Testament. We all understand that the “Day of the Lord” is coming closer and closer with each passing day. Don’t you want to know what to expect? Do you want to know and recognize the signs that the day is near? It’s all in God’s Word, documented by the Prophets! Read, and be amazed!
Thank you Father for showing us your plans. May we take the time to read and understand so we can be ready for the Day of the Lord. In Jesus name, amen.